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Pilot Talk

Welcome to another episode of the Pilot Talk podcast, by OSM Aviation, with Captain Michel Treskin and Stein Mjåtveit: two commercial pilots and Flight Instructors with a shared passion for aviation and the aviation industry.

The Pilot Talk is created with the ambition to inspire, educate, and entertain you, our beloved listeners, who either share our passion for flying or simply want to get a peek behind the cockpit door.

In this podcast we discuss flying, flight training, career advice for pilots, and other interesting topics from the exciting world of aviation.

Summer Boating 2021

Did you know that approximately 100 Canadians a year die from boating accidents. In the United States, in 2019, there were 613 deaths out of 4,168 boating accidents; 2,559 injuries, and $55 million dollars in property damage.

Did you know that approximately 100 Canadians a year die from boating accidents. In the United States, in 2019, there were 613 deaths out of 4,168 boating accidents; 2,559 injuries, and $55 million dollars in property damage.

There are many things you can do to help protect yourself, family and friends when you’re on the water. One, don’t consume alcohol or drugs. While we all enjoy letting loose, these elements impair response time and judgment. Not to mention, in some provinces you can be fined, serve time in prison, or have your boat seized by authorities.

Two, make sure you have life jackets! Approximately 90% of deaths that occur are because the person wasn’t wearing one. Three, stay clear of shipping lanes. You don’t want to get run over! Four, when it comes to watersports, please ensure you follow all guidelines for vessel use and laws enacted by the government in your region.

Last, but certainly not least, boating insurance. Having insurance for your vessel can save you a substantial amount of time, money and energy in the long run. Not to mention provide you, and your passengers, with peace of mind when you set sail this summer.

1639 Lasalle Blvd Unit 301, Sudbury, ON P3A 1Z8
+1 844-314-1278



Top 13 Places to Visit in Canada:

Named after the fourth princess of Queen Victoria, Louise Caroline Alberta, the province of Alberta is the most western prairie territory in Canada.

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Top 13 Places to Visit in Canada: Northwest Territories

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