Free Speech

The World is Passing Me By
I used to joke that the older I got, the less I understood. However, I have discovered during the past few years that this is no longer a joke. While I have many examples to demonstrate this, let me refer to just four.

Goodbye Shareholder Capitalism
Is there a future for capitalism? Setting aside the obvious; namely, that there is no single model of capitalism, there seems to be a growing demand to replace the old system of shareholder capitalism with something different. Let’s call a possible new model stakeholder capitalism.

According to Wikipedia,Bitcoin was invented by an unknown person or group of people under the name Satoshi Nakamoto and released as open-source software in 2009. The system works without a central bank and supposedly without a single administrator.

Canada and Covid
At the beginning of this year, many Canadians and most of their political leaders, were prepared to do a victory lap, believing that the worst of the pandemic was behind us and the national, provincial and territorial governments had all performed beyond expectations.