What is Your Skin?
What is Your Skin? Freckles, Moles and More Author: Nigelle Fredette Date : September 1, 2021 Skin is important to bodily health, and not just because it holds all the insides… well, inside. You can probably guess a person’s age or health just by taking a good look at their skin, the older we get the looser it becomes. If someone has jaundice then their skin will discolour to a...
Here Comes the Sun!
Here Comes the Sun! Author : Nigelle Fredette Editor : Kelly Louiseize Date : June 17, 2021 We all love a beautiful sunny morning. Somehow it puts an instant smile on my face. But before stepping out, I need to hydrate and protect my skin. Morning routines may vary but the following steps has helped protect my skin and reduce sun damage for 30 years. I trust our in-office line...
Missing Smiles
Missing Smiles Author : Nigelle Fredette Editor : Jennifer J. Lacelle Date : May 7, 2021 Now that we’re wearing masks everywhere we go, I noticed myself smiling but receiving no response from people because my smile is hiding behind the fabric affixed to my face. I’ve noticed that missing just this little bit of connection with people has been very difficult emotionally. So, I’ve been putting some thought on...