Pleasure Craft Operator Competency Amendments

Pleasure Craft Operators
Author : Kelly Louiseize
Editor : Jennifer J. Lacelle
Date : May 26, 2021
Tighter marine regulations on the Pleasure Craft Operator Competency Program may be flowing downstream, according to an email from Transport Canada.
It would allow the ministry the authority to suspend, revoke or cancel accreditation if a course instructor does not comply with regulatory requirements or is found to have obtained his or her instruction through fraudulent means. Other possible amendments may be introducing a $5,000 accreditation fee to course providers every five years, and a test material fee of $8.50 for each Pleasure Craft Operator Competency (PCOC) issued.
For the students taking the course one can expect setting the renewal dates to five instead of 10 years. They may also find it tougher to achieve accreditation since there is an emphasis to strengthen course accreditation.
“The Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations apply to all motorized pleasure craft regardless of vessel length or size,” stated Frédérica Dupuis, senior advisor, media relations, communication group with Transport Canada.
As for boat rental, safety checklists are being accepted as proof of competency.